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The Break the Cycle Program focuses on raising awareness of children's environmental health disparities and on cultivating future leaders.

Break the Cycle is a collaborative interdisciplinary research and training program involving University faculty who mentor graduate and undergraduate students in academic tracks that focus on the impact of environmental factors on children’s health. The target populations are communities where the environmental hazards are related to circumstances of social and economic disadvantage.

Each year, students and faculty from a variety of colleges and universities participate in developing projects that will
Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities
to promote health equity for all children.
To attend this years conference, please register here.
The students present their projects at a national conference and the results are published in international journals. Over the past 12 years Break the Cycle has engaged over 100 students from 30 universities in 10 states in the USA as well as from Latin America, Africa and Europe that have resulted in the publication of 9 international journal supplements.

This set of projects also forms the basis for a book series on Public Health topics.

The program offers a broad look at the relationship between social and economic disadvantage and developmental disabilities and other chronic medical conditions.

break the cycle 9 students
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